Iowa and Dane Counties, Wisconsin:
Jon Callaway
ATC Local Relations
Email Jon
(866) 899-3204, ext. 3540
Grant County, Wisconsin and
Clayton and Dubuque Counties, Iowa:
Troy Weary
ITC Midwest Local Government and Community Affairs
Email Troy
(515) 639-3330
ATC media line:
(877) 506-6117
ITC Midwest media line:
(319) 297-6840
Dairyland media contacts:
(608) 787-1323
As of June 18, 2024, there are 160 renewable generation projects dependent upon the construction and operation of Cardinal-Hickory Creek. Click on the image above to view the interactive map
ATC, ITC Midwest LLC and Dairyland Power Cooperative have plans for a high-voltage transmission line connecting northeast Iowa and western Wisconsin that would provide economic savings, support renewable energy policy and improve electric system reliability.
A project area from Dubuque County, Iowa, to Dane County, Wisconsin, has been identified for the approximately 102-mile, 345-kilovolt line. Studies indicate that the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Project is a multi-benefit project that would deliver benefits to local communities and the Midwest region by:
The Financial Times has produced a video including representatives of ITC Midwest, Dairyland Power Cooperative and Clean Grid Alliance to discuss the need for the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line. The in-depth feature focuses on Cardinal-Hickory Creek’s importance for grid reliability and supporting regional clean energy transition goals, within the context of the need for buildout of American’s electric transmission grid. Watch the full video below:
Initiated public involvement | 2014 |
Project approval, Public Service Commission Wisconsin | Fall 2019 |
Record of Decision, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture – Rural Utilities Service | Winter 2020 |
Project decision, Iowa Utilities Board | Spring 2020 |
Authorizations issued, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service | Fall 2020 |
Initiate construction - Iowa | April 2021 |
Initiate construction - Wisconsin | November 2021 |
Project in service: Hill Valley Substation to Cardinal Substation | December 2023 |
Project in service: Hickory Creek Substation to Hill Valley Substation | September 2024 |
Areas benefited: Iowa, Wisconsin and the Midwest
Length of line: Approximately 102 miles
Voltage: 345,000 volts
End points: The western end point of the line will be in Dubuque County, Iowa. The eastern end point of the line will be the Cardinal Substation in the Town of Middleton, Wisconsin. The project also will include construction of a new mid-point substation near Montfort, Wis.
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Construction and Mitigation Plans
NEPA process
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